School Education And Literacy Department
In this scatter plot you can compare the gross and net enrollment rate in primary education in countries around the world. Elementary schools in most nations introduce the child first to the local environment and then systematically bring him into contact with larger environments. Nevertheless, the principle that a child’s learning should move from the immediate and familiar to the distant and unfamiliar appears to be widely accepted. Elementary and Secondary Education Department is the biggest of all departments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It has more than 1,68,000 employees which are about 55% of the total employees of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Although schools and religious institutions existed long before the 19th century, education was not compulsory and, in the majority of cases, costly. What is more, the value of a child’s labour meant that only the richest families could afford to educate their children, a phenomenon that still exists in many developing countries today. India each stat...